What is your method for reliable super counters now that the new update is out? I used to press up+X repeatedly before the patch and it usually worked on the third try but it’s a lot harder now. What exactly has changed? Obviously I just need to get good but for those of you that are already good what is your technique? Is there a way to clearly tell exactly when it should be pressed when taking repeated back shots?
We're somewhat new to the caregiving situation, but it has escalated very quickly and we need help.
My dad has terminal cancer, but has been completely self-sufficient until very recently. He had to have some nephrostomy tubes placed due to kidney failure, and everything has gone downhill since then. He has issues with constant leaking from the bags that never seems to be resolved, but honestly, that's the least of our issues right now.
About a week ago, he started experiencing extreme confusion. He was so confused he tried to put little trash cans on his feet because he thought they were his shoes. My mom also awoke to him cutting his nephrostomy tubes in a state of complete confusion.
They took him to the ER, but they only addressed the issue with the tubes and gave no advice on his confusion.
He was sent home and seemed to be better for a few days, but now the confusion has returned. I'm really worried for my parents' safety. He gets really angry and confused sometimes so I'm worried he might hurt my mom or their dog. Most concerning, he still has access to guns. Some family members are trying to work on removing his access, but they don't know where he keeps all of them.
He's also up all night long pacing through the house which makes it almost impossible for my mom to even sleep.
The only help they currently have is my mom and my brother (I live too far away to be there often). They have tried reaching out to his doctors for help, but no one has given them any advice. He is not on hospice yet because he still wanted treatments. Palliative care said they don't have any at-home care options so I don't know how to help my family.
Is there a type of service we could just pay out of pocket for? Who should we be reaching out to for help? We don't even know what is causing his confusion at this point. It could be the cancer, meds, kidney failure, etc.
I'm so overwhelmed and worried about the safety of both of my parents. I welcome any advice. We are in the US.
I’ve tried to journal in the past and struggled with keeping up with it, i think this is due to the fact i tried to combine venting with dumps on what i did during the day. I’m not sure of a better way to balance this, maybe keeping two journals? Just wondering what everyone else does :)
Încă permanent mi-au dat, și nici nu mi-au zis motivul (deci bănuiesc că acel comentariu este motivul).
Poate e mai bun pentru sănătatea mea mentală. Nu aduce subredditul ăla ceva de valoare, dar nu pot minți sa spun că cenzura asta exagerată a mozilor de pe Reddit nu mă exasperează.
I love you. It’s a very powerful phrase that I think everyone deserves to hear. But yet, there are so many people out there who don’t hear it enough or never hear it at all. That makes me really sad. No one should ever have to feel like they are alone or unloved. Therefore, to everyone who is reading this message, whether you are going through a difficult time in your life or having an amazing day, I just wanted to tell you that I love you. No matter where you are in your life, no matter what you may be going through, you are incredible and beautiful inside and out. I hope this message finds you when you need it most 🫂❤️
Just warning anyone out there getting on-site repairs. Hemmersbach seems to hire anyone off the street. I have a lot of experience with on-site and send to depot repairs over the years with Dell and now Lenovo. First off I love Lenovo, their support is for the most part great to me. But Hemmersbach and this guy that showed up is infuriating.
He was replacing a part, and had to take off the heatsink so I had ahead of time requested to have it re-pasted. He messed up the liquid metal job, he did not properly screw a few things and so after he left and I was getting 100+ degrees and throttling, I opened it up and decided to fix the liquid metal job myself...and I did I spread it so it covers the whole cpu...here's what really pissed me off and made me waste a day... he stole the m2 screw for my 2nd ssd and used a fan screw in its place loosely. I had turned away for a moment and somewhere he swapped them. I know this because I handed him the screw and then he was all nervous putting the final things together he had left out something and then put them in. All this for a frigging screw he wanted...and this is after I gave him the rest of my nice gpu paste and some snacks for the road... I was being nice and this is what you get...some douche who needs to take advantage and do a sh\*t job. Lenovo was kind enough to send me the screw kit because the ones on Amazon don't work...these screws are very tiny and hard to find. Later on I will have to re-paste everything because some things are still not screwed on correctly.
No wonder hemmersbach has 0 reviews and when you find a few they are terrible. I could've dealt with the mistakes, but stealing a key screw I needed for my 2nd ssd that I literally now can't use until I get the screw kit from Lenovo is just outright infuriating. /endrant and warning.
He commented on this lady’s video where she’s walking around a women’s march making fun of the women, primarily making fun of what the women look like, it was a pointless and hateful. I won’t be purchasing any seeds from him in the future.
I have a 9 gallon tank for Cowboy. I cycled as recommended, levels have been perfect and checked daily (sometimes twice a day bc I’m paranoid) and everything is good, zero concerns so far. That said, I did not know that I would become obsessed with the idea of aquascaping when I went for dog food and came home with a tank and the idea to go back for the saddest guy on the wall of sad cup Bettas. Over the past weeks since having him home, I have been doing so much lurking on this sub and seeing all your beautiful planted tanks and how happy it makes your little guys. I have decided that I will be giving this dude an upgrade. I did get some advice for the transfer of him to a holding tank and know not to clean his filter, to preserve his water, and ensure his temp home is heated and safe while I build. I also did a tonne of research on picking safe hardscaping and driftwood and how to prepare/treat it in advance.
The plan:
1. Transfer him with his current water, heater, and floating cover plant cuttings to a temporary vessel (5 gallon ok for a few days?) to ensure there are no abrupt changes to his water.
2. Drain the tank, while moving current gravel to a container with some of his water so I don’t lose the bacteria (I could also place it in a mesh bag in his temp space and use it as needed for rescaping). I just don’t want it to dry out our lose its benefits.
3. Hardscape with inert rocks (found quartz, soaked with H₂O₂, boiled and scrubbed). Add my found wood (all passed a boil test to ensure species are hard and free of any sap), which have been boiled and soaking in water (changed every second day).
4. Purchase some new plants, which I will dip in H₂O₂ and rinse to avoid pet store contaminants or sneaky snail eggs).
5. Lay out the tank with bio-substrate in area where I’ll be planting, add gavel and aquarium sand on top and finish rest of floor with combo of sand and gravel.
6. Place and secure plants.
7. Add my new custom lid (clear acrylic with hinges cut and designed to allow separate acces to filter/back area). This allows me to use a light for plant growth.
Some notes:
1. My house uses gravity fed mountain creek water (consistent ph of 6.5). The creek supply is fresh, fast and always crystal clear. I use a whole home filter system to remove any possibility of contaminants. I say this bc it’s important to note the water is not chemically treated as much tap water is.
2. Priority is to provide plenty of swimming space, hiding spots (he’s alone and will remain so unless I end up getting a larger set up in the future. Lots of resting spots close to surface (he loves his partially submerged plant cuttings for this). Ensure resting spots are not disturbed by filter flow. Having plant substrate only in designated section to avoid disturbing during gravel cleaning.
My questions:
1. For the new lid - I expect condensation to be prevalent, but have you noticed any benefit to adding holes for air flow?
2. How are we feeling about viewing towers? Do Bettas like them? Are they tacky? I could custom fit it with my lid build, but debating if I like them. I think Cowboy probably would though.
3. When adding water back to the tank… if Cowboy is in his holding vessel with his current water, how should I go about filling the new tank to let it cycle/settle for a few days to ensure all the scaping hasn’t made my levels unsafe?
4. I have Seachem stability, maybe using it to fill half the tank, letting it run (how long) then adding back in half his current water to top it up? Give it a day, test, then move him and the rest of his water into the new tank?
5. I’m tempted to go the way of a tannin rich environment. Any thoughts on which plants to avoid if I am going to introduce leaf litter? Or should I stay away from this for now?
6. If I do this over the span of 3 days, ensure temps are right, levels are perfect, properly acclimate Cowboy when reintroducing him, will that be enough time for things to settle in the new environment?
7. Tips for beginner friendly plants?
8. Favourite/accessible glue/string for securing hardscape and plants?
I only plan on doing this once, so I want to do it right! Any tips, things I might be overlooking, etc. are so appreciated!
Pics are of his current lame house - a mansion compared to his cup but still not enough. Inert and treated rocks and driftwood pieces, substrate I plan on using for plants.
Make sure it is not already installed:
Outlook>File>Options>Add-ins> make sure it is not there, then move on
1st make sure you disable all antivirus software
2nd Run this "C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps\\MSTeams\_24335.208.3315.1951\_x64\_\_8wekyb3d8bbwe\\MicrosoftTeamsMeetingAddinInstaller.msi"
If you cant see the Windows apps folder then you need to allow to view hidden items
Of if you can't find the MSTeams Folder then you need to install Classic Teams
3rd Run the installer found in the "MSTeams" Folder
4th Reboot your pc
Finally Turn back on your anti-virus Software
Hope this helps someone :)
Hey guys, I’m really not trying to be rude or anything but there are three guys in my class that absolutely reek of body odour. Usually I just ignore this but it is so prominent and strong that it is actually causing me to feel physically sick.
Now these students are international students and don’t speak English well at all, it is very hard for them to understand me and for me to understand them.
The smell is starting to affect the rest of the class distracting us from the teacher and our learning.
I want to say something to someone but I don’t know what to say and who to talk to. Everyone was given a care package at the start of the year which included food, coffee, soap, deodorant and mouthwash.
I just don’t want to be rude or offend anyone or make them feel bad but the smell just hits you in the face as soon as you open the classroom door. Sitting in class I need to cover my nose or breathe out of my mouth.
Hi guys! I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on finding retro tech in Orlando, bonus if anyone knows where I can find HD CRTs. Facebook Marketplace feels really empty for that sort of thing.