Cat Won't Peeing Outside The Litterbox

I have a 7 month old male cat that I have had for 4 months now. He IS neutered and uses his litter box most of the time but he is frequently peeing outside of the litter-box. I have taken him to the vet and spent lots of money on trying various methods of stopping this behaviour including pheromone sprays, multiple litter-boxes, different litters. I have also maintained his litter boxes cleanliness. It is getting to a point where he has ruined multiple items and I have thrown them out despite using enzyme cleaners to try and remove the urine. I don't know what to try anymore. He doesn't pee outside the litter box everyday (sometimes multiple days in a row) but he will go a week without doing it and then do it again. Does anyone know if this type of thing will ever stop or have any tips aside from the ones that I have tried?

ALSO it is both peeing (he squats down) and spraying